Cabbage worms can do a lot of damage and need to be dealt with as soon as you spot them in your garden. Here are some natural, organic ways to get rid of cabbage worms in your garden.
How to Identify Cabbage Worms
The cabbage family is host to many common pests that people refer to as cabbage worms. This includes the actual larvae of a cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae), cabbage loopers (Trichoplusia ni), zebra caterpillars (Melanchra picta), and the larvae of the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella).
An actual cabbageworm is the larvae of the cabbage white butterfly, often referred to as small whites. If you see the white butterflies with black spots flying around your garden, it's most likely cabbage whites.
These butterflies are likely laying teeny, tiny eggs all over your cabbage plants. These little green worms are not to be confused with the cabbage looper but do look similar. Cabbage worms are fuzzy, green caterpillars with subtle yellow markings on them.
A cabbage looper looks similar to a cabbage white caterpillar. However, it is more of a yellow-green and does not have legs in the center, so instead of walking straight ahead, they inch forward by "looping".
While we get our fair share of cabbage whites, the main pest problem on our cabbage crops is zebra caterpillars. These guys are black, white, and green. They eventually turn into an American noctuid moth.
And lastly, the diamondback moth caterpillar. This is a small, green caterpillar with white and black dots on it.
Identifying If You Have Cabbage Worms
Host plants include cabbage heads, brussels sprouts, broccoli, and mustard greens. The worms, however, are very good at camouflaging and their eggs are very, very small and difficult to spot.
Cabbage worm eggs, while tiny, are typically laid on the outer undersides of leaves. The worms will likely be found in the same areas.
On the underside of plant leaves, hiding toward the middle of the plant, etc. They are generally whitish or yellowish and have tiny, oblong eggs. You will find them singly laid, not in groups. Groups of a similar colored, oblong egg are ladybug eggs.
Once they become a problem, you'll find holes eaten through your plants and an infestation can easily decimate a crop to leave only the thick stems of the plant left behind.
If you only see a hole or two, you don't have a major problem, but if your plant has several holes in it, you already have a major issue with caterpillars or cabbage worms.
The easiest way to identify and combat a problem in the early stages is you'll see frass, or fecal matter, on your plant. It looks like small, yellow, brown, or greenish spots all over the place, usually in groups. If you routinely check your crops, you're going to see the frass before you find any other signs of cabbage worms.
How to get rid of cabbage worms
If you happen to see cabbage worms, their eggs, or their fecal matter, it's time to get them under control... now. Leaving them to their own devices is a sure-fire way to have very little crop left.
Thankfully there are several natural and organic ways to get rid of cabbage worms in the garden. Let's discuss:
Remove Cabbage Worms and Eggs By Hand
Depending on how grossed out by insects you are, this is an effective way to get rid of the creepy crawlies. You can even get your kids involved (I know my children love to pull the caterpillars off of our plants).
As for the eggs, as mentioned above, they are tiny, oblong whitish or yellowish eggs. However, you should only see single eggs. If you see a group of tiny, oblong white or yellow eggs, laid together it is more likely ladybug eggs and those you don't want to pull off or kill as they are a natural enemy of what you're trying to combat.
You can either take the caterpillars and put them in a bucket of soapy water or you can simply pull them off, put them in a small container and feed them to your backyard chickens when you're finished.
Try Cornmeal
Cornmeal is an easy way to get rid of cabbage worms. You can simply wet down your plants with water and generously sprinkle some cornmeal on them. The worms will eat the cornmeal and it will cause them to swell and die.
Homemade Cabbage Worm Spray
Mix together ¼ cup vinegar to ¾ cups water, and 1 teaspoon of soap. The soap will help it stick to the leaves. Spray on tops and bottoms of leaves, sparingly.
To use this spray, you'll want to make sure that you don't saturate the leaves and that your plants aren't young small seedlings. Also, I recommend testing it in a small area of the plant (just in case) and spraying it in the evenings, not in the heat of the day (which can cause your plants to bake in the sun).
I've used this spray for several years and had no issues with it at all, but I spray it sparingly on mature plants in the evenings. It does contain vinegar, which is a natural herbicide (and great for killing weeds), but I've never had a problem with this diluted spray.
Spray With Bt
Bacillus thuringiensis (or Bt for short) is an organic pesticide that can be utilized to kill off a variety of pests in the garden. This microbe is found naturally occurring in the soil and has been used in organic gardening and farming for many years.
Bt is only toxic to the larvae of butterflies and moths and is not toxic to birds or other mammals, making it the best way to organically, but effectively and easily, get rid of cabbage worms.
You can purchase Bt ready to spray or as a concentrate that needs water added to dilute it later.
You can spray Bt on your plants every two weeks or so to kill off any infestation you may have. If any worms remain, they will be minimal and you can easily pick them off or wash them out. It is considered safe for human consumption so it can be sprayed as soon as the day of harvest with no ill effects.
Try Spraying Plants or Worms with Neem Oil
Neem oil is a wonderful, natural pesticide that can help kill off caterpillars and other soft-bodied pests in the garden (like aphids). It can be sprayed directly on the cabbage worms to kill them off.
Neem oil can also be sprayed onto the plants to help repel the moths and butterflies from laying eggs. However, like some of the other preventatives I've listed below, neem oil isn't likely to completely solve your problem and is best used in conjunction with other methods.
Use ducks to eat the worms
Ducks, chickens, and even songbirds will eat the worms (and butterflies) when given the opportunity. So, invite them in.
Chickens may very well eat your cabbage, so I highly recommend ducks (which won't as long as the plant is mature). They enjoy cabbage worms and will definitely eat them if given enough opportunity.
I love the idea of symbiosis. Allowing the natural world to do what the natural world does. So, invite your ducks, or invite some songbirds into your garden and let them do their thing.
Preventing Cabbage Worms
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and the same stands for keeping cabbage worms from ever becoming a problem. These methods won't work if you already have a problem, but they can help keep them from ever becoming a problem. Let's discuss them.
Invite beneficial insects into your garden.
Garden pests of all kinds have natural predators and lots of them. So, invite all of their natural enemies into your garden. Lady beetles, Trichogramma wasps, yellow jackets, spiders, and the green lacewing are all enemies of cabbage worms.
The most popular of the natural enemies are the Trichogramma wasps (or parasitic wasps), which you can actually purchase. Unlike the large, annoying stinging wasps we all envision when we hear the word wasp, these are small and harmless to humans. You will often find their eggs on the backs of caterpillars, particularly tomato hornworms.
However, be forewarned that these parasitic wasps will kill all caterpillars, so if you invite or raise other butterflies such as monarchs, you may want to hold off on purchasing them.
Spray cabbage crops with tansy oil
Like the neem oil mentioned above, tansy oil is a great, natural, organic way to keep cabbage worms at bay. You can spray your crops with tansy oil to deter them from laying eggs on your cabbage. While not 100%, it will help to break the cycle.
Utilize Companion Planting
Companion planting is every gardener's best friend. There are a few plants that can help repel cabbage moths and others from being interested in making your plants home for their young.
Marigolds, thyme, dill, and other cabbage companion plants can help deter the moths from being interested in laying their eggs. But, none of these will completely repel the butterflies. I have marigolds planted all around our cabbages and we still have worms.
Also, instead of utilizing the oil you could plant tansy nearby just be careful, this particular plant spreads like wildfire.
Another idea is to plant mustard near your cabbage plants. Mustard will attract the cabbage butterflies and can be an excellent trap to catch the problem. Simply remove the plant when you're finished.
Use floating row covers
Floating row covers Work really well when put into place in the early spring, before you have a problem. However, even if you already have cabbage worms on your crops, they can still help prevent more eggs from being laid.
I find row covers work best on raised beds than they do in traditional row gardens, but they can be used even on individual plants. These can be put in place not only to keep insects off but also to keep the birds from eating your crops.
Row covers can be left on all the time as they still allow sunlight in and they are easily pulled out of the way when you need to fertilize, harvest or simply to check on your crops.
Use Red or Purple Cabbage Varieties
While this won't really repel or prevent cabbage worms, it will make them immensely easier to see. We like to interplant red and purple varieties with our green cabbages. Not only to help keep cabbage worms under control but simply because... who doesn't like variety?
There are other ways to repel cabbage worms, but these are the best ways we've found to keep them at bay. If you put row covers on as soon as you plant, you will likely never gain a problem from them. If row covers aren't possible, or just aren't your thing, just make sure you have some of the natural enemies to eat them up and pick the rest off by hand.
Linda says
I lost my entire summer broccoli and Choy sum crop to those horrid animals! They love all brassicas and similar. I'm now netting ( with white bird exclusion netting ) the entire bed as the butterflies can't get in to lay their's also Autumn here, so there are basically no more of those pests! I was so sad to read of your cabbages 🙁
Danielle McCoy says
Aww, that's too bad! They are certainly evil little creatures. Netting definitely helps! We're just getting our gardening season started, I hope to keep them OUT all season long! I hope next season is a better crop for you!
Jim says
I read that you can hang moth balls in a sock in a upside down cup. The sock is held with a pin on the top of the cup. This was documented and the crop did not have one leaf with holes on them. They are spaced between the plants.
Danielle McCoy says
Yes, you could use mothballs. However, they are potentially dangerous to wildlife, pets, children, and the environment. Using them outside is against label instructions, which is technically illegal. We don't use mothballs, at all, and I can not with a good conscience recommend them.
mariana says
Hello, I can assure you mothballs is a very bad idea. Not only are not effective to deterring the worms. They are toxic. Do not use them near something you or someone else might eat.
Danielle McCoy says
I couldn't agree more, Mariana. We don't use them for anything here. Definitely toxic and potentially dangerous/deadly. That's why we opt for natural solutions :).
Lulu says
@Danielle McCoy, I wonder of maybe cedar balls would work too?? Like in the same setup, but just cedar balls instead so it's safer?
Danielle McCoy says
Cedar isn't known to repel cabbage worms or moths, so I doubt it would work.
Jim says
Thanks for clarification on this.
One Grace Filled Life says
Hi Danielle! Oh, those nasty little cabbage worms that eat & poop all over cabbage! Gross! I have Pinned this post for later, as I can't wait to try your suggestions next year! Awesome post, and I hope you're doing well! ??
Danielle McCoy says
They are nasty! I hope it works out for you. Here's to a great gardening season in 2017!!
skm says
To those of you who are troubled about worm poop...stop and think about the four-legged creatures that wonder through your garden at night and take a pee on your plants. Also, vinegar will kill plants. Just pour some on your grass and see what it does to it. Sorry to be such a downer but I'm from the old school of gardening.
Danielle McCoy says
I'm not personally troubled by it, but the poop is inside the produce, not just on the outside. I wash my harvest in a vinegar water solution when I harvest it, but that doesn't remove the poop. As for urine, sure, it's possible, but it rinses off if there is any and we have a fence around our entire garden because we don't want it trampled by deer which are quite plentiful out here, not many critters, if any, get in.
As for the vinegar solution, it's actually my grandmother's remedy. She used it back in her gardening years. It isn't straight vinegar, which will kill plants, it's a very, very diluted solution. It does work, she used it, my mother uses it, I use it. All with great success, no dead produce. I'm sure my great grandmother used it, or something very similar, in their victory garden as well.
Kristin says
OK ladies what do we do with the hole eaten leaves? ! Do I take the off???
Danielle McCoy says
I remove them when I harvest.
Ronda says
@Danielle McCoy,
Ash says
I'd advise testing one or two leaves with the vinegar solution. It appears I may have just killed my lacinato kale with the application. Poor thing.
Danielle McCoy says
Hi Ash, I'm sorry to hear that. I will adjust the instructions to include testing it. Also, I'm curious if you sprayed it during the heat of the day? I've used this solution for years and never had a problem, but I use it sparingly on plants and I typically spray it on in the evenings so that it doesn't bake in the sun.
Raymond Roussel says
I have read somewhere that a 50/50 mix of baking soda and flour sprinkled on the plant leaves would deter the pests. Any comments?
Danielle McCoy says
I haven't heard of that particular application. I've heard of using baking soda sprinkled in your garden soil to repel slugs, snails, ants, and silverfish, though. You could try it, as long as you didn't cover it too heavily which could prevent photosynthesis.
Beki says
I used row covers, but I would see the moths landing on the neighboring plants. they must have crawled to the cabbage. My plants were laced.
Danielle McCoy says
We put boards and bricks over the edges of our row covers to keep them fastened down so nothing can get in.