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Farmhouse Inspired DIY Halloween Wreath

I absolutely love ribbon wreaths. The sky is the limit with the looks you can find (or create). They can look simple, rustic, or incredibly festive depending on the look you’re going for. I don’t like the price of them, though. They tend to sell for anywhere from $80 to $300 (some I’ve seen priced even higher). I could never justify spending that kind of money. So, I made my own. And I’m here to show you how to make your own DIY Halloween wreath!

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I have a love for farmhouse-inspired decor. The neutrals and the muted tones just make me feel at home. I also love Halloween, but the loud dark purples and oranges paired with black just aren’t really the style of our home. We’re more burlap and neutrals around here. I found a few Halloween wreaths that I really liked, but the price! I just can’t spend that kind of money on something I’m going to hang on my door for two months. Not happening.

Besides, I really like to embrace my crafty side. I figured I could make my own, make it exactly like I wanted it to look, and learn a new skill.

I’ve made wreaths in the past, but never a ribbon wreath. So, this was a new experience for me. This wreath, from start to finish, took less than an hour to complete. You can make this for somewhere between $20 and $50 dollars. A lot of it depends on where you get your ribbon and if it’s on sale. I spent less than $40 on this and not all of the ribbon was on sale or coupon eligible.

The dollar store is a great place to find cheap ribbons and you’ll need roughly 36 feet of four different types to complete this wreath. I spent the most on the burlap, which is exceptionally thick (I doubled it over). There are definitely cheaper burlap ribbons, I just really enjoyed the look of this one.

Enough about that, though. Let’s move on to the tutorial for this DIY Halloween wreath so you can have your own beautiful wreath to hang on your door this year.

DIY Halloween Wreath

What I Used

  • 1 24″ Work Wreath Form
  • 42 8″ Cable Ties
  • 3- 5.5″ X15′ Black and Orange Chevron Burlap (from JoAnn Fabric)
  • 3- 1 1/2″ X 12′ Black and Tan Striped Ribbon (from JoAnn Fabric)
  • 3- 2 1/2″ X 12′ Orange and Black Buffalo Plaid Ribbon (from JoAnn Fabric)
  • 3- 1 1/2″ X 15′ White and Black Polka Dot Ribbon (from JoAnn Fabric)
  • 1- Metal “Boo” Sign (from JoAnn Fabric)

First, You’re going to take all of your ribbons and roll them together. You don’t have to do this. But, it is so much easier to work with if you do.

Next, you’re going to get your ribbon started. Start at a joint, pinch your ribbon together, and fasten it to the joint toward the inside of the wreath with a cable tie. Like this:

Make sure you tighten the cable tie down really well for the starter. You don’t need a ton of ribbon sticking out of the end, either. Just enough for the cable tie to grab ahold of.

Now, grab a sheet of paper. Measure out roughly the length of the paper (11″) of the ribbon. Pinch it off and create a loop with it.

Grab another cable tie and fasten it to the wreath outside the middle bar anywhere in the section you’re currently working in. Don’t tighten it completely, yet. We will do that at the end.

Continue 3 times within the section.

Once you get to the next crossbar, you’ll measure out another loop (same 11″ size) and fasten it to the joint.

Go to the next section and do 3. Fasten the 4th to the joint. And so on.

If you run out of ribbon (you should have enough to do 3 sections per 12′ roll of ribbon), you’ll just start your next roll of ribbon on the joint you finished up on and continue like normal.

Once you have the entire wreath form filled with the ribbons, you’re going to flip the form over and tighten each zip tie. Once they’re all tightened, you can cut off the ends.

Once everything is nice and tight, go ahead and pull the loops of each ribbon out mixing them up within the wreath. For instance, one pattern on the inside one time, on the outside next. Just mix them in so it doesn’t look like the same ribbon is going around in a row…

Once you’re finished, you can attach the sign or any other extras you decide to put on it with zip ties (or hot glue if you put things on the wreath itself).

Hang it and enjoy. It’s so incredibly simple and it looks so good when you’re done!

Plus, it didn’t cost $200… so there is that ;).

I really hope I explained this well enough. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me or comment below!

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